My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The most enjoyable job I did

I'm wondering whether it's good to be forgetful or bad. It is usually considered as a negative adjective, sometimes as an insult, but honestly I think life without forgetfulness is hard. Forgetful people live without regret. They never notice that they have lost something.

It was three years ago; I had this Sea experiment course which was between the most interesting courses I had at my undergraduate. The idea was to build a model of a tanker vessel in 1/80 scale from wood by some available tools then test the model in a small pool. Here is the masterpiece of our team.

I love working with wood and making handicrafts that’s why I enjoyed this course. During the filing job, I decided to build a model on my own. Definitely a tanker wouldn’t be my choice. Even though it’s hard to make curves with wood but I didn’t like to make a boxy shape model. I, like most people, wish to have a sailing boat, if I cannot afford to have a real one at least I can afford to build a model. I searched all the journals and some websites to find a nice body plan; finally I picked one with my father’s help.

Valentine day does not exist in our culture (tradition). In fact having girl/boyfriend does not exist and married lovers usually celebrate their wedding anniversary. Recently, while being couple before marriage has being fashioned, valentine day has introduced itself.

When I am supposed to give a present to whom I like I always think about making something not buying. It can be because I am stingy, artist or romantic. On all the Valentines Day that I was in love, I made something very especial and time consuming.

It was between the examination of fall semester which I decided to make my sailing boat in 1/10 scale and I knew that Valentine Day is coming. I was like a girl with super power. No matter how much lessons I have I only wanted to work on my model. I went to the laboratory every time I could and I was feeling like it is the best time of my life. The most enjoyable job I did. I knew he would love it. It was like every piece of me screaming “I love you” at every time I rub the file on the model’s body. The laboratory assistant who was an old man was eager about the result as well. He helped me a lot. Once he told me I feel alive and young when I see you coming excited to work on your model. I thought he doesn’t even know what is going on inside me.
The body took about one month and the sailing two weeks (with his help) because it was thin and fragile. The Lab assistant made a structure as a stand for the boat. My mother sewed the sails three times because I was so picky. My father painted the boat. It looked really nice. I loved the result. Everybody liked it. The Lab assistant was chocked when he heard that it’s gonna be a gift. He said you will regret; I said don’t worry. It is not going so far away. (rahe doori nemire).

I’m wondering where she is now. She might be burned in the fire place or buried like all other memories.

Happy Valentine Day


  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger Frank said…

    I am sure every one finds this link interesting on Valentine including you.(It is written in persian)

  • At 5:26 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    :) That's interesting, thanks. Why do some traditions die and some stay?

  • At 8:03 PM, Blogger jarvenpa said…

    what a beautiful model boat you made, Kimia. The love and care you put into it shows (and no, it was not wasted, though it seems the guy was not fully worthy of all this).

  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger Yousef said…

    This time I won't do any corrections for you. The amazing subject and the pictures you included make an excellent connection with the reader.

    By the way, I think it's his loss. People including myself should dream of some partner who is so devoted and loving.

    I loved the model!

  • At 4:02 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    wow!! that must have taken a lot of work!!! damn... U R an artist.

    I also find the idea of a self-made gift much more attractive but since I am no artist I have to search deep into my pockets ;-)

  • At 3:50 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    I felt really embarrassed. It was like I'm trying to convince everybody what a nice girl I was and what an ungrateful boy he was. It's not true. He was an amazing person who gave me the power to do everything I did.
    People have different ways to express their love, probably mine was gift manifest and his was another way that my heart's wound doesn't let me to remember.

    Dear Jarvenpa, that's true; it is not wasted. At least I enjoyed and I still remember the joy :D no regret.

    Yousef, don't be mislead with an artistic gift :) I'd like to point it out that if a girl is a good lover(which I really was), that doesn't mean she is necessarily a perfect partner.(It seems I wasn't)
    Anyway, thanks for the sweet comment.

    Dear Doc, I'm not Artist. You know why? Because every time I want to make something I put all the people around me under pressure :) My mother was glad this year that I didn't have any valentine ;) I can say I know how to use the art inside of the people around me ;)


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