My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Norouz and New Feelings

It was a great party. Full of positive energy, happiness, delicious dishes, pretty girls and boys, kind curious people and everything I like. A big team work produced a well arranged ceremony. I’m very proud.

I looked pretty last night; many people told me, so I tried to believe it :D if I want to look through my dark glasses, I might say they found me desperate to hear “you look pretty” thing other than being really pretty. It’s pleasant for me to hear that but nobody can fool me.

A few days back, I thought of how much appearance is important for me and how much it affects me. I don’t know if I am a shallow, superficial observer person or it is natural. I should try to look at people more deeply. I think the start of having feelings for someone has something to do with his/her mien. I’ve always read in poetry and books that the lover always talks about the beauty of the beloved. They show that the lover sees nothing but beauty in his beloved. But I think it’s opposite; people start to love each other when they see the beauty of their partner (the beauties I said are related to appearance).

No need to consider it as a confession, every body knows that every single girl or guy notices the potential partners around them. I am not an exceptional. Since I became officially single, I met (talk to) several boys who could be a candidate. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get close to any of them. I thought maybe my heart’s gate is locked. Maybe I would never be able to love someone else. Maybe I still love him and not ready for the substitution, and lots of other stupid reasoning. None of them are valid. The valid answer is that I haven’t yet met the one. If I do, the previous sad story turns to be a joke. That’s what happened to my ex-partner and hopefully will happen to me. Although all my friends have continuously been telling me, I got this fact once I saw a close up picture of a recent friend with his wide smile exhibiting his big well arranged teeth. I just thought for a second that it is so easy to fall in love with this smile and I am truly capable. He is far away and I know almost nothing about him; he might not be the case but he reminded me my capability to love. My heart will beat again. I tasted it for a few seconds.


  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger Alireza said…

    indeed, you are correct and don't everything will be the way you wish for.
    I am not in any of those people who are skiing, I am taking the photo:)

  • At 5:30 PM, Blogger Alireza said…

    the word "worry" was missed!

  • At 1:48 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    as long as the heart beats we have the ability to love. Norooz is close & good days ahead :-) crossing fingers. Don't forget to SABZARO GEREH BEZANI ;-)

    Happy Nu Year In Advance.

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger jarvenpa said…

    Beautiful picture of a hyacinth; I love the way these flowers smell.
    Yes, your heart will awaken once more.
    And as for physical beauty--well, it is interesting that there are all sorts of different concepts of what is beautiful. But I too am drawn to external loveliness often, though inner beauty is more lasting and more sure.

  • At 9:11 AM, Blogger - jj said…

    Hi there,

    I've been following your blog and I really find it interesting. I love reading articles from a fellow Iranian abroad.

    Btw, this Norouz, send flowers to your loved ones in Iran via ParsaFlora



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