My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dangerous Girl

The system of this telephone card that I’m using now is stupid. First, they asked for my telephone number to use as an ID and then a password; you are signed up, miss. Now I can buy credits. They used their brain to solve the problem of inserting 11 digit PIN code and they came up with a brilliant idea. If you dial with the telephone number that you registered with as your ID, you don’t need to insert the PIN and it goes directly to your account. Now, it sucks for people like me who have no cell phone and no fixed private number. I gave my office number and I thought I can trust my officemates. Nobody calls with other people’s credit. It is not something that everybody can do. Well, I was wrong. He used about 3$ of my credit. It’s nothing but still makes me angry.

I know my father would say you should take care of your own money; don’t blame people. OK. I accept that; it was my fault. But it doesn’t mean that I should not go for revenge.

I have his telephone numbers is in my history. I’m gonna call the most frequent one and say: I’m calling from Memorial university and unfortunately we have a bad news for you. We found a body and there is no ID card but your number in his pocket; we would be very grateful if you can help us identify him.

I guess it will work. I can have my 3 bucks back.

Don’t worry, I’m not that crazy.


  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger Alireza said…

    Back in Canada, I used to get many good offer on my fixed line. just call local phone companies.
    by the way, do you know Tara Deemyad? just wondering, I think she is in St John's.
    life is beautiful, at least you don't have myroommates! I am starting to hate I..D..I..A..N..S!

  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger Alireza said…

    if you don't mind I add your link to mylinks, if you opposes let me know.

  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    I know Tara; she is a nice girl very active and tidy :) Is she your relative? anyways, I would be happy if you add my link in your list; however, I just wanna let you know that I haven't disclosed my blog to my friends in canada, just to be more relax to write whatever I want :)

  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger Alireza said…

    no, she is not a relatice of mine. I just know her through a friend and remember she was in St. John's.
    hich adabo tartibi majoy,
    har cheh mikhahad dele tanget bego!

  • At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think going for revenge is a good choice but be more creative.

  • At 4:57 PM, Blogger Spyder said…

    omg that would be hilarious. (ok maybe a bit mean to the person that has to come down, but still)

  • At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    to khodet ghand o nabaati! shokolaati, shokolaati ...

  • At 1:23 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    Well sometimes revenge is unavoidable ;-)

    Well give him another chance. 3$ is a small price he's paid to ride a vicious revenge ;-)


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