My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Chameleon Posted by Picasa

You must have been a chameleon in your previous life. How could possibly one change his color this much?

Look at him; He is so look like you: frightened, hidden, tractable, bent, almost nothing.


  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger jarvenpa said…

    What a strong statement, kimia! And what a wonderful photo. Actually, I like chameleons--but I would not want to be in love with a human chameleon. Too distressing.

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    Since we can't change our color, it makes chameleon a very interesting animal to see :)
    It's true that he changes for survival but it is because he has no other tools. We do have the ability to think and behave somehow to protect our emotions. Changing the whole status is a weak reaction to a problem.


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