My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Mamani Posted by Picasa

We call her mamani.
She gave me a certain and intense love; a love without stint and expectation, without excuse and reason;nothing could ever threat it.
She prayed for me until I got what I wanted
She taught me how to know time
She taught me how to keep my expenses
She taught me how to do a job perfect
She taught me how to cook Kaakaa
She taught me how to be strong, how to keep secrets to avoid hurting the others.
She used to say I am so pretty
She was open minded
She knew what is valuable in life
She did not teach me how to express my appreciation to her
She did not teach me how to see how much I need her in this world

But now being without her taught me how to express my appreciation to my parents, and thank god for every second of their good health.


  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    fortunately I've got my grandma beside me. I admit sometimes my mom is jealous due to our close relationship ;-) That's where I have felt the most valuable feelings. May god give everyone the chance to get to know their grandparents before they...

    A fluent post :-)

  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    I lost mine recently but you know what? I still feel that she is around and praying for me.

    God give your grandma a long healthy life :)

  • At 2:27 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    guess Iranian gramas are much better ;-)

    well it is somewhat inevitable & they'll be lost one day as we shall as well when the day comes but the happy resting memories are to live long with us.

  • At 12:05 AM, Blogger jarvenpa said…

    It's not only Iranian grandmas who are special. My grandmother came from Swedish roots (my other grandma, alas, who was a Finn, died before I was born). She has been gone from this world a long time, but I still feel her kindness and charm. Her dog was my sturdy nursemaid when I was a baby(I learned to walk holding on to his fur). When I finished college and wanted to travel she had me come live with her for many months so I could save money. The rest of my family thought me a bad, depraved young woman (I was going to Europe to meet my boyfriend). My grandmother gave her tender blessing--and made certain I had pretty underwear as well, though she was a good, church going, lovely person. I keep a photo of her as a young woman on my desk still. Loving grandmothers are a great treasure, no matter your culture or country.

  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    You are right. It doesn't matter grandma came from which culture. The love between grandma and grand child is created with the creation of human :) and it is something different from parents love. How God invented these various types of love with different tastes? :D
    Some poor people can't find the chance to be close to their grand parents and enjoy their love.


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