My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Sunday, October 30, 2005


I'm not a touchy-feely girl. It means I don't touch anybody without reason, and I hate to be touched. Keep your distance. How can I explain this to people? Is it very rude to say to a kind boy who just want to dance with you, and take care of you for some hours to let your hand? I know you might think I'm Parvenu but forgive me it's running me crazy.


  • At 5:50 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    well medically it can be a sign of... wait is commenting also included??

  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    Hej, Welcome to my 5hip :) I can say you are my first real person shipmate. I'm really glad.
    No, Go ahead Doc. Commenting is not included.

  • At 5:23 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    :-) I am surprised I am among the first. You deserve much better. Will try my best to C more people noticing your wonderful blog...

  • At 3:39 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    Dear doc, I have just started, and I know my weblog is so personal to be interesting for the others. I do my best to improve it :) Thanks


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