My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ask from mirror

It is my third time that I start to write a letter to Jumbo to ask a question and suddenly when I was writing I found my answer. This is really a good way; when you force yourself to write your question and explain it in the best way for somebody, you will realize that you know your answer but you have not just noticed.
The worst thing is that when you ask for an appointment with your supervisor and once you are explaining your problem you will understand the answer plus the stupidity of your question.

If you have a problem, explain it to mirror once, before you make a fool of yourself.


  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    exactemando. The mirror acts like a second you. U ask U & U answers U!! ;-)

    Yet it is much easier to be embaressed by yourself than others :-)


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