My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Finally I am at the airport waiting for the flight and I don’t envy those who have their buddies with them cause I do have mine.

It is gonna be a perfect trip for me starting now. I will visit all my dears every where in this continent. I have decided to forget about expenses and try to visit as many cities as possible because it might be my last trip to Canada at least for awhile. St.john’s, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Kitchener are in my schedule at the moment.

Although I am a little anxious about getting my work permit visa but I can definitely say that this trip is like a relaxation for me after 3 months working and living alone with strangers and least convenience possible. I almost have no worries no fears no responsibilities and concerns and it absolutely feels incredible. I feel free and open to enjoy traveling.

My beautiful co-workers gave a paper full of their notes and wishes and it was so sweet. There is this girl working with us, Talia, she is a quiet, pretty, nice girl. I believe the card was her idea.

I had my nails done for the first time in my life; I am a little bit excited. Never had this feeling of long nails. I would say the fingers are quite useless when you have long nails, or maybe I am not use to it. It looks pretty though. Yet it doesn’t go with my jeans and casual way of dressing.

I will stay for a few days in Michigan and I love to stay there. You know. I wish I could get more feedback from whom I think of a lot.


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