My 5hip

This is my ship. Her name is Magic. I am the shipmaster. Welcome aboard :)

Monday, August 28, 2006


I was looking for a job and I sent emails to every related company all over the world. A few of them replied back with a few questions about my immigration status and between them there was one person that asked for references. His name was Frank. So I introduced my supervisor and my boss in Iran where I used to work. He never contacted them.

He called me on the phone and after a long greeting asked me if I knew Ship Construction and AutoCAD. He sounded very kind, quite funny and totally informal. However, my heart was beating crazy in my chest while I was talking to him. He apologized and asked my age.

He called me again a few days later and said “I would like you to work for us via email until you graduated because we need a hand right now”. And I said “Yes”. I know he wanted to test me. The first job was kind of stupid and I finished it very quickly and the next one had needed more education but still it was a big work with the least brain work. I sent the result little by little and I believe he was pleased. He sent me letters full of compliments and we were in contact by phone every week. He asked me to come down to the States for the interview, I was a little nervous yet I was quite sure that he wanted me.

Everything was so friendly. It would be fun if I posted his invitation letter here. It was the most informal and friendly invitation possible. He invited me to see the beautiful south Louisiana, try various delicious dishes, go fishing and reminded me to bring light clothes and especially not to forget my swimming suit because they have a pool and the weather is hot. He also invited me to stay in the guest room of their own house. It was sweet and I could tell he is a nice old man. I submitted the invitation with that content to US embassy. I bet the officer was smiling while he was reading it.

I came down after a month and he came to pick me up me at the airport and I couldn’t believe how old he was. Definitely over 80. Now I realize he is 82.

He works 7 days a week and he is the first to come and the last to leave the office. He has a sense of humor like a young man and he is very active and dreamer like he is gonna live forever. He has planned for at least ten years later. He has a good memory and beside all his business he pays attention to everybody, well, specially me; he took care of everything for me: He got a house; prepared a bike; gave me ride to wherever I wanted to go. He asks me everyday about what I need, what I did and what I ate. He is like a picky grand father. He definitely treated me like his family. I have never seen an old man have such presence of mind.

I must burn some Sepand tonight for him.

Last night, he and his wife came over for dinner. I cooked “baghali polo ba mahiche” for them and it was so widely delicious. I can’t believe how I did that. It was even better than “Farsi”s food. Anyways, he brought Champagne and it was my first time to drink Champagne. I really liked it better than wine. Drinking Champagne here is just like our costume of killing lamb in happy occasions.


  • At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    سلام، خوش به حال‌تون. کاش تعداد این جور رئیس‌ها بیش‌تر بود. ولی افسوس که نیست

  • At 7:39 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    You are right. At least I found one reason to like it here.

  • At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That was great! (: I hope you enjoy your job.
    I want to note a thing: Baghali-polo is not a safe food for everyone. There are certain people who may become seriously ill by eating fava beans (and also several other medicince).

  • At 5:02 AM, Blogger Alireza said…

    good man, that is quite important to have nice boss. by the way, was that really Champagne? I am just wondering?:)

  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger Kimia said…

    Sologen, I heard of it before. A freind of mine has this problem :) you are right; I should have asked :)

    Alireza, It was Champagne believe me .. What else could be with those bubbles? :D

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Hydra said…

    hmmm. Baghalipolo ba mahicheh!!!! I think I'm hungry again.. Damn you!!! :)

    I'm glad you have a good relation with your boss. That's so freaking important.

  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger Dr O2 said…

    :-) well we were not there to taste the food but I'll take your word for it ;-)

    It is nice to hear such people with manners still exist while the bad news is that such people are dangerously old :-S


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